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List All Files in a Directory Using PHP

Author: Admin 04/05/2022
Language: PHP
Views: 459
Tags: list files directory php glob scandir opendir readdir closedir filesystemiterator


In PHP there are several ways to get a list of files in a PHP application.


Here's the opendir, readdir, and closedir functions

$arrFiles = array();
$handle = opendir('/your_dir');
if ($handle) {
    while (($entry = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
        $arrFiles[] = $entry;

PHP: opendir - Manual

PHP: readdir - Manual

PHP: closedir - Manual


Here's the scandir function

$arrFiles = scandir('/your_dir');

PHP: scandir - Manual


Here's the glob function

Here we use the * pattern to read all contents.

$arrFiles = glob('/your_dir/*');

Here we use the *.pdf pattern to get PDF files in the directory.

$arrFiles = glob('/your_dir/*.pdf');

PHP: glob - Manual


Here's the dir function

$arrFiles = array();
$objDir = dir("/your_dir");
while (false !== ($entry = $objDir->read())) {
   $arrFiles[] = $entry;

PHP: dir - Manual


Here's the filesystemterator Class

$arrFiles = array();
$iterator = new FilesystemIterator("/your_dir");
foreach($iterator as $entry) {
    $arrFiles[] = $entry->getFilename();

PHP: FilesystemIterator - Manual

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