Author: admin 03/19/2021
Visual Basic .NET
Tags: hs progress bar
The goal of HS WPF progress bar control is to provide a simple and good looking control that also shows the text value of the progress bar.
Here is the basic code to use HS Progress Bar.
WPF Load:
Dim SetMin As Double = 0.0
Dim SetMax As Double = 100.0
Private Sub Window_Loaded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
B1.Minimum = SetMin
B1.Maximum = SetMax
B1.BarShowBorder = True
B1.BarOrientation = HSProgressBar.HSPB.Orient.Vertical
B1.BarDirection = HSProgressBar.HSPB.Direction.Normal
B1.BarShowText = True
B1.BarTextDecimalPlace = 0
B1.BarShowTextPercentage = True
'Settings to run a continuous progress bar
B1.BarContinuousSpeed = 10
B1.BarContinuousStep = 1
'B1.BarContinuousBackAndForth = True
'B1.BarRunBackwards = True
slider.Minimum = SetMin
slider.Maximum = SetMax
End Sub
How to set bar values:
Private Sub slider_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of Double)) Handles slider.ValueChanged
B1.Value = slider.Value
B2.Value = slider.Value
B3.Value = slider.Value
B4.Value = slider.Value
End Sub